The best hour of the week is coming to your school!
Dr Pepper Hour – a tradition of Baylor University since 1953 – is hitting the road on a statewide high school tour to deliver the sweet experience of Dr Pepper Hour alongside the excitement of being a part of the Baylor Family.
Keep an eye out for the Baylor and Dr Pepper-branded truck and trailer – it may be heading to your school!
Want to be an instant hero among your classmates? Put in a request for the Dr Pepper Hour tour to come to your campus and you could join in one of the sweetest traditions of Baylor University.
Ready to recreate the magic of Dr Pepper Hour at home? Follow along with the official recipes, including the traditional style and gluten/dairy-free options.
In 1953, a Baylor staff member began to serve “frosted Coke” to students in the still-new Student Union Building’s Barfield Drawing Room. The informal gathering offered students a chance to socialize and escape the typical school day.
68 years later, that tradition continues — every Tuesday, from 3-4 p.m., still in the Barfield Drawing Room. Originally known as “Coke Hour,” the event switched to “Dr Pepper Hour” in 1997 when the Waco-born beverage became one of the university’s official soft drinks.
Dr Pepper Hour is now one of Baylor’s oldest traditions, having started the same year as All University Sing. (For comparison, the “Sic'em, Bears!” yell didn’t come along until 1960, and the Baylor Line wasn’t started until a decade after that.)
Sic'em, Dr Pepper Hour!
Dr Pepper Float Official Recipe
Traditional Style
1 scoop of vanilla ice cream
8 oz. bottle of Dr Pepper or Diet Dr Pepper
Directions: Place vanilla ice cream and Dr Pepper in a mixing bowl. Whip till evenly mixed. Pour into your favorite Baylor cup. Serve and Sic ‘em!
Gluten & Dairy-Free Style
1 scoop of sherbet (raspberry, strawberry, lemon)
8 oz. bottle of Dr Pepper or Diet Dr Pepper
Directions: Place sherbet of choice and Dr Pepper in a mixing bowl. Whip till evenly mixed. Pour into your favorite Baylor cup. Serve and Sic ‘em!